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Know Your Commercial Building Inspection Standards

Commercial building inspections give clients the same peace of mind that residential inspections do. On the residential side, nearly 80 percent of homes under contract include an inspection as a contingency to purchase. Reports can provide information on the current condition of hundreds of components in the building and add confidence going into purchase negotiations.

An Atlantic Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment is performed in conformance with ASTM E1527-05, providing you with the environmental due diligence requirements necessary for your commercial investment.


Commercial services

Thirty (30) years experience in all phases of building analysis & construction.
New York State Licensed Home Inspector No. 16000023240


Standards of practice and codes of ethics for home inspections are clearly defined by national home inspection organizations whereas commercial building inspection standards have lagged further behind. Few industry-related trade groups have attempted to establish commercial inspection standards without much success. However, ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) International, a globally-recognized organization dedicated to testing, measuring and evaluating nearly everything to do with commercial construction has written a set of standards for baseline property condition assessment processes. Therefore, Atlantic's commercial inspections are generally performed according to ASTM Designation E-2018-08 "Standard Guide for Property Condition Assessment" and Atlantic's Phase 1 ESA's are performed according to ASTM Designation E-1527-05 "Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Process (ESA's)".


Atlantic's scope of work for property condition assessments will focus on: general property descriptions; applicable photographs; reviewing plans, drawings, maintenance records and applicable warranties; interviewing people with knowledge of the property, etc. We then list all areas inspected which include foundations, roof structures and the condition of existing mechanical, electrical and HVAC systems. Atlantic also inspects the site to determine adequacy of drainage and storm water management, parking facilities, sidewalks, curbing, lighting, etc.


The typical Phase 1 ESA consists of a property reconnaissance; interviews with the owner/lessee of the Site; a file review and document search regarding the past and current usage of the Site; a review of available Sanborn Maps, aerial photographs and historical topographic maps; a review of property surveys; United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), state, county and local records requests; an environmental lien report/review; state and federal program records review; city directory; and a review of available property owner records and previous reports. Our final Phase 1 ESA report that would summarize our findings and conclusions is delivered in an electronic format complete with all attachments and supporting documentation.

Professional Qualifications/Credentials

  • Certified Real Estate Inspector
  • Qualified Environmental Professional as defined by ASTM E1527-05
  • New York State Basic Code Enforcement Training
  • New York Department of State Approved Home Inspection Instructor
  • HUD 203k Consultant
  • FHA Compliance Inspector
  • Radon Measurement Technician
  • Mobile Home Compliance Inspector
  • HUD – Visual Lead Assessment Inspector

Certified Member/Affiliations

  • American Society of Home Inspectors, Inc. (ASHI)
  • National Association of Home Inspectors, Inc. (NAHI)

Commercial and Phase 1 Inspections are performed according to :

ASTM Designation E- 1527-05 – Phase 1
Environmental Site Assessment Process (ESAS’s)
ASTM Designation E-2018-08
Standard Guide for Property Condition Assessments